Windows Embedded Compact and Windows CE related
An old gem that has stood the test of time. This implements the key functionality of s stream driver project (as OS subprojects with test apps) for Windows Embedded Compact and CE. Time for an major update:
Versions 3.0 and 3.5 were Standard Editions. When a driver project was generated, there were a lot of place holders as comments (what is needed to be done) in the code that implement things such as shared memory, registry access, counting driver instances, as well as driver context and open context buffers etc. This Professional Version fully implements all of those features.
A solution is now at hand with respect to interrupts being lost when they are close to a system timer tick interrupt, with TI AM335X CPU. THE LATEST UPDATE NOW HAS THIS SOLUTION.
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A new Compact 2013 release is available on MSDN that will bring your build environment up to date as per February 2015.
Solution: Clean out the build and do a rebuild.
Something in the OS configuration,I don't know what, has got corrupted. Works every time for me!
Another: When building get an error that says not much more than “In” .
Solution: You’re building whilst the OS is running. Shut it down first.
eMVP ErwinZwart ( has blogged on his site wrt a problem when attempting to build a WEC 2013 SDK. You typically get a message such as: ------ Build started: Project: OSDesign10, Configuration: VAR-SOM-AM33 ARMV7 Release Platform Builder (_TGTCPU) ------ Starting Build: call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat" ============== Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x Full installed. "SET PRJ variables because IMGREGHIVE=1" Wince ARMV7 CEBASE VAR_SOM_AM33 Development Environment for DavidJones "C:\WINCE800\public\common\oak\bin\i386\BuildOutputFilter.exe" -- "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /d /c "call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat"" C:\WINCE800\build.log(3) : Warning: You have one or more CPU families to be included in the SDK that have missing or out-of-date headers and libraries. Make sure to build the following configurations: VAR-SOM-AM33 ...
First in a series of blogs about porting a Compact 7 TI AM335X BSP to Compact 2013 using a SOM and a development board for the SOM as reference hardware for an industrial controller.
The issues get partly resolved.. Please read on. There were some issues with the August update. I posted this: The August update stated that : The Aug 2014 (11.0.50728 & 12.0.30527) release resolves the following issues: · The Debug.Start Debugging option will delete the deployment directory contents. · You cannot deploy a class library to the device if the solution does not contain an executable project. · You cannot specify an external program to execute when run is clicked. ====== · I tested the first point and that hasn’t been fixed · In an existing solution (One console app project and a DLL project on which it depends) if you right click on the DLL project in Solution Explorer, there’s no option to deploy it. Also if there is only a DLL in the solution same applies, so point 2 hasn’t been resolved. The issue in my previous post wrt being able to deploy and debug in other than \Temp hasn’t been resolved. So I suggest that nothing has been resolved. PS 12.0.30527 is the new installe ...
Ever get: "Warning MSB3061: Unable to delete file " message towrds the end of a build, eg: BUILDREL: BUILDMSG: Cleaning up "C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign9\OSDeisgn9\RelDir\VAR_SOM_AM33_ARMV7_Release" C:\WINCE800\public\common\oak\misc\buildrel.proj(495,5): warning MSB3061: Unable to delete file "C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign9\OSDeisgn9\RelDir\VAR_SOM_AM33_ARMV7_Release\proxydriver.dll". The process cannot access the file 'C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign9\OSDeisgn9\RelDir\VAR_SOM_AM33_ARMV7_Release\proxydriver.dll' because it is being used by another process. {log="C:\WINCE800\build.log(40826)"} C:\WINCE800\public\common\oak\misc\buildrel.proj(501,5): error : Error cleaning up flat release directory "C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign9\OSDeisgn9\RelDir\VAR_SOM_AM33_ARMV7_Release". Unable to delete the following file(s) "C:\WINCE800\OSDesigns\OSDesign9\OSDeisgn9\RelDir\VAR_SOM_AM33_ARMV7_Release\proxydriver.dll". ...
Smartdevice projects opened in a Compact 2013 development context are not automatically upgraded to Compact Framework 3.9. This article discusses techniques for upgrading of Smartdevice (Compact 7) projects to the Compact 2013 context (Compact Framework 3.9). This includes comparison of project files as well as use of the CEESharpWiz wizard.
This article discusses the just recently released CECompactTools on Codeplex. This toolset has been morphed from Compact13Tools in that it provides the same shell apps for a Compact 2013 OS using the same C# source code but the Managed code is built directly as an OS Subproject!. That is, unlike Compact13Tools, there is only one software layer.