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From the category archives: David Jones

Microsoft Azure Mobile Services

CEJSON – 4: IoT Version 1 Azure Mobile Service Tables

Version 1 AzMS Tables use an auto-incremented integer field as the primary key which is more compact than the GUID string used in version 2 AzMS tables.. The Azure Portal generates Version 2 tables which can be inefficient for resource limited embedded devices. This blog covers how to generate version 1 AzMS tables.

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Ardjon-Part 5: A Simple JSon Parser (Sketches V1.3a)

This blog presents a simple JSon parser in the Arduino context for the ToDo sketch  that extracts the data entities from each record. in the JSon string.

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Ardjson-Part 4b: Arduino Networking

Some hints to do with networking an Arduino device.

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Ardjson–Part 3: Command line Json: cURL.exe

An Azure Mobile Service table can be simply manipulated via a command line app called cURL.exe

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Ardjson – Part 1: A New IOT Project on Codeplex

A new Codeplex project as follow up to my recent IOT presentation focusing upon Embedded Devices interacting with an Azure Mobile Service.

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