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From the monthly archives: July 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Honee I’ve lost my phone .. somewhere in Eastern Europe!

What to do when you can’t find your Windows phone.

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Windows Surface 2: Battery Pack Adapter

The Surface 2 has a weird power connector. That makes it difficult to charge it from a battery power pack. This blog outlines creating one from a  DC 12V 36W Car Charger Adapter for a Surface 2. Building it wasn’t too difficult.  This means I can now use my Surface 2 on long journeys without need to access main power to charge it. Cost about $A40 apart from the Surface and Power Bank.

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Win 10 IoT-Core: “Windows 10 IOT-Core To Azure IoT Suite” presentation.

I did a presentation last Thursday for the Melbourne Azure Meetup.

The slides are at:

The sample app (A UWP app communicating with an Azure IoT Hub using TPM):


Whilst it does not go into great detail about Azure IoT Suite, it covers everything in the leader up to it. including:

  • Windows 10 IoT-Core
  • Internet of Things
  • Azure IoT Hub, including provisioning and device registration
  • Azure IoT Components

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