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App Package

Build 2017 Sydney

The last leg, of 8, of the world Build tour was held in Sydney this week. What can I say .. it was great. A lot of new and coming Creators features were covered, Insight into the latest Windows technologies was dished out. Here are some of the highlights and summary links.

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Win 10 IoT: AppX Installation Options–2

AppInstall can be used to install Appx packages on an IoT-Core device This blog covers an updated version of the toolkit for use on the latest Winsider IoT-Core builds.

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Win 10 IoT: AppX Installation Options–1 (Updated)

In the previous two blogs I discussed using the Web Portal running on a Windows 10 Phone to remotely or in-phone install and Universal Windows Platform app. In this blog I discuss options for install UWP app packages on Windows 10 IoT devices. This is a work in progress as I have not had success some of these methodologies.

  • Now includes Web Device Portal UWP app running locally on IOT-Core Device.
  • AppInstall issues have now been resolved.

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Win 10 Mobile – UWP Remote app installation using Device Manager - 2

You can now remotely install an app in a simple way. No need for Windows 10 SDK to get winappdeploycmd, You can use Device Manager in a browser locally or on the phone to do it. Here's how. The previous blog covered the basics about app packages, deployment and setting up for sideloading. This blog covers remote app installation and in phone app installation using Device Manager running in a browser.

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Win 10 Mobile – UWP Remote app installation using Device Manager - 1

You can now remotely install an app in a simple way. No need for Windows 10 SDK to get winappdeploycmd, You can use Device Manager in a browser locally or on the phone to do it. Here's how. This blog covers the basics about app packages, deployment and setting up for sideloading. The next blog covers remote app installation and in phone app installation using Device Manager running in a browser.

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