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Windows 10 Phone

Xamarin for Windows Developers 101: Setup

So we have seen the need to use Xamarin. So lets get started. This article covers installation in Visual Studio on a Windows device

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Bluetooth Low Energy on Windows 10 Creators Edition and a RPi3 issue.

Several months ago I published a UWP app on GitHub that interacted with a Texas Instruments CC2650STK  SensorTag using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API.  It was based upon a previous Microsoft sample UWP app for interacting with an earlier TI SensorTag. Whilst the new app ran well on the Windows 10  Desktop and Windows 10 Phone, it was found to be erratic on the Raspberry Pi3 running Windows 10 IoT-Core.. working well some times but errant other times. Windows 10 Creators Edition added a key feature to BLE, namely the ability to connect to a device that is advertising without being paired. This blog examines the erratic nature of the RPi3 with BLE and investigates whether this is solved with the Creators Edition. In so do a comparison is made between between BLE Paired and Unpaired connectivity in the UWP app development context..

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Arduino Bluetooth Keypad Utilities: UWP and Arduino Keypad Library on Codeplex

A library on Codeplex. Been a long time coming: Arduino sketches and UWP class libraries and apps, focused upon scanning a phone keypad as input (Bluetooth serial) to a UWP app running on a phone, desktop or IoT-Core device.

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Windows 10–The Week or Two that was, Mid June

The Week or Two
That Was

                          DAVID JONES  V1.1                         

Some of the issues I have been looking at over the last week or so.

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Win 10 IoT: AppX Installation Options–1 (Updated)

In the previous two blogs I discussed using the Web Portal running on a Windows 10 Phone to remotely or in-phone install and Universal Windows Platform app. In this blog I discuss options for install UWP app packages on Windows 10 IoT devices. This is a work in progress as I have not had success some of these methodologies.

  • Now includes Web Device Portal UWP app running locally on IOT-Core Device.
  • AppInstall issues have now been resolved.

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Win 10 Fast Track: If Phone app developer don’t install latest OS to Phone (Resolved)

An issue has arisen with the last two Fast Track Windows 10 Mobile OS versions this week. You can’t deploy apps from Visual Studio to phones with those versions. Jump off Fast Track for now to Slow Track or “slower”. If you have one of these versions on your phone there isn’t a simple way to unwind. The problem as I see it is one of connectivity and sounds a bit like the issue we had last November with IoT-Core.

  • Update: Matter is now resolved with Fast Track Build 10.0.14367

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Another GEM: Microsoft SQL Server Credentials for a Remote Web Service

It was simple enough to get access to a Microsoft  SQL Server from a Web Service when all were running on the same machine. You use Windows Authentication. But when the services are both running locally, with the user running a Windows 10 Universal app that calls the web service, they won’t be logged in an so the web service needs credential for the SQL service.

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More GEMS: Kept getting Network Access Required in a Universal App–An hr or 2 later!

I’m creating a Windows 10 Universal Phone App that talks to a Web Service to post an entity (object) in Microsoft SQL Server running on the same machine as the Web Service. Initially did all including the app on my laptop using localhost as the network target. Solved the SQL Server credentials .. OK. But when I switch to using the laptop’s system name or its IP address (all still running on same machine) got Network Access Required error.

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Win 10–Universal (UWP) App: Using JSON from a file to populate a menu

In my previous blog Windows 10 (including IoT) USB HID device identification was covered in detail. This included an app that takes the relevant IDs for an HID device and checks whether it is present on the system. Two of the IDs could be looked up via a menu as they come an HID Usage table. The menu data was loaded from a JSON (text) file and translated using Linq to a list that is the Xaml data source binding for the menu. This blog demonstrates the mechanism for loading JSON data from a text file into an Xaml ComboBox.

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Win 10 IoT Core: Raspberry Pi 2 Peripherals – Connected Devices: USB HID Peripherals

Human Interface Devices (HID) are supported in the “headful/headed” (viz. headless) version of Windows 10 IoT. Anything that takes users input for an app is an HID device, and can include devices such as screens that provide feedback to the user. Traditional HID devices are the mouse and keyboard, whereas gaming devices such as joystick, XBox controller and steering wheel are also HID devices. A barcode scanner or credit scanner are also be HID devices, A system with just a few push buttons to control it has those pushbuttons as a trivial HID. Technically the HID protocol was developed as a protocol for the USB-HID class such that devices that conform to that class do not need a specific driver.

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