Whilst the Raspberry Pi 2 has extensibility through GPIO, I2C, SPI and Single wire, the main interface for adding off-the-shelf peripherals is via USB. Unlike the desktop, there is though only a limited set of USB peripherals that can be used on the RPI2 running Windows 10 IoT in the first release. This series of articles looks at what is available and what the overarching issues are. The first Article is “Connected Devices”
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App development outside of Compact 7 Platform Builder involves using a second instance of Visual Studio for a Smartdevice .Project. The target OS must have the correct version of Corecon that VS targets it with.
eMVP ErwinZwart ( has blogged on his site wrt a problem when attempting to build a WEC 2013 SDK. You typically get a message such as: ------ Build started: Project: OSDesign10, Configuration: VAR-SOM-AM33 ARMV7 Release Platform Builder (_TGTCPU) ------ Starting Build: call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat" ============== Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x Full installed. "SET PRJ variables because IMGREGHIVE=1" Wince ARMV7 CEBASE VAR_SOM_AM33 Development Environment for DavidJones "C:\WINCE800\public\common\oak\bin\i386\BuildOutputFilter.exe" -- "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /d /c "call "C:\Users\DAVIDJ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\PB\BuildSdks.bat"" C:\WINCE800\build.log(3) : Warning: You have one or more CPU families to be included in the SDK that have missing or out-of-date headers and libraries. Make sure to build the following configurations: VAR-SOM-AM33 ...