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Interconnect issue over Bluetooth Serial

Issue: Can pair a Windows 10 device with an Arduino device and communicate over RFCOMM. But although can pair two Windows 10 devices over Bluetooth Serial, I can’t serially transmit between them: No serial port for OutGoing end.

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Win 10 IoT Core: Raspberry Pi 2 Peripherals – Serial (Update 3)

There are currently 2 reserved GPIO pins on the RPI2 that ordinarily are SOC (I call native) serial. A future Tx and Rx  but not at the moment. Serial is achieved on the RPI2 with Win 10 IoT Core via a USB-Serial device connected to a Host USB port on the RPI2. There are though limitations in that the widely used FTDI chipset is not supported by Microsoft, although we have a solution. An alternative is over Bluetooth but there is an issue there.

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Win 10 IoT Core: Raspberry Pi 2 Peripherals - Introduction

Whilst the Raspberry Pi 2 has extensibility through GPIO, I2C, SPI and Single wire, the main interface for adding off-the-shelf  peripherals is via USB. Unlike the desktop, there is though only a limited set of USB peripherals that can be used on the RPI2 running Windows 10 IoT in the first release. This series of articles looks at what is available and what the overarching issues are. The first Article is “Connected Devices”

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CESerialTerm Update: Bug fix and added feature .. Need some testers

One bug fix and one new feature.

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