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Windows Mobile

SurfPad: Json Configuration

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 2, specify the buttons and app config via a Json Configuration file. This reworks a previous GitHub project.

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SurfPad: Your old Surface as a Remote App Touchpad: The UI

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad:

Have you got an old RT Surface 1 or 2 gathering dust and don't know what to do with it?

  • Create a UWP app to run on a Surface (ARM or x86), or any touchscreen Windows laptop. Could even recycle an Windows Mobile (8.1/10) phone.
  • Uses rounded boxes a touch keys.
  • Can remotely act as the UI for an app running on any system that supports Serial, Bluetooth(serial) or has network connectivity.  Azure IoT Hub is also envisaged as a communication medium.

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Windows 10 IoT-Core Licensing options and Threshold 2 (Build 10586)– Updated-2

Windows 10 desktop/tablet has undergone a major refresh. At the same time Windows Mobile (Windows Phone 10) has RTMed. Also Windows 10 IoT-Core has also invoked two license versions with its latest concurrent release.

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