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Posts Tagged 'Compact-2013'

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CEJSON – 4: IoT Version 1 Azure Mobile Service Tables

Version 1 AzMS Tables use an auto-incremented integer field as the primary key which is more compact than the GUID string used in version 2 AzMS tables.. The Azure Portal generates Version 2 tables which can be inefficient for resource limited embedded devices. This blog covers how to generate version 1 AzMS tables.

CEJSON-3: IoT and Azure Mobile Service Scripts

When an HTML POST/GET/PATCH/DELETE message is posted to an Azure Mobile Service Table, the message can be intercepted and modified. Also the response can also be intercepted and modified. This blog outlines how to do this.

CEJSON - 2: IoT on WEC 2013 with AzMS – CRUD Primitives

Delete and Update are now available for CEJSON. This means that the 4 CRUD primitives are now available.

CEJSON - 1: IoT on Windows Embedded Compact with Azure Mobile Services

Now available at can Post and Get Telemetry data to Azure Mobile Service.

Windows Embedded Compact 2013: Interrupt Issue Solved

A solution is now at hand with respect to interrupts being lost when they are close to a system timer tick interrupt, with TI AM335X CPU.  THE LATEST UPDATE NOW HAS THIS SOLUTION.

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