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Interconnect issue over Bluetooth Serial

Issue: Can pair a Windows 10 device with an Arduino device and communicate over RFCOMM. But although can pair two Windows 10 devices over Bluetooth Serial, I can’t serially transmit between them: No serial port for OutGoing end.

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SurfPad: RPI as the SurfPad (Bluetooth Connectivity)

This article covers using a Raspberry Pi running a RS4 version of IoT Core as the SurfPad, withe an Arduino devices as the Remote app. Connectivity for this is via Bluetooth..

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SurfPad: SurfPad States

As part of a series of articles on a set of projects targeted at using a Windows Surface device as the presentation layer for a RPI or Arduino device, this article views the apps as state machines and documents the app states coupling through message passing between them.

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SurfPad: TCPIP Socket Connectivity

In the previous articles in this series, a UWP app was developed as an array of XAML buttons that acts as the UI for an app running on a remote embedded or IoT device. Once connected the remote app sends a configuration for the UI as a Json string. Connectivity between the UWP and remote apps over Bluetooth and USB Serial has been covered. In this article connectivity over network sockets is covered. The article includes 101 on TCPIP Network Sockets for UWP and Arduino.

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SurfPad: USB Serial Connectivity

This article reworks the previous few articles that use BT Serial and the connectivity  so that USB virtual serial is used for communication. It covers in detail USB Serial connectivity between a UWP app and an Arduino devices as well as with a Windows 10 IoT-Core device (eg RPI).

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Arduino Bluetooth Keypad Utilities: Event Keypad Sketch

This Sketch scans a phone keypad using the Keypad library and detects key pressed, released and held events. The events generate a string that is sent serially denoting the event and key.

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Arduino Bluetooth Keypad Utilities: UWP and Arduino Keypad Library on Codeplex

A library on Codeplex. Been a long time coming: Arduino sketches and UWP class libraries and apps, focused upon scanning a phone keypad as input (Bluetooth serial) to a UWP app running on a phone, desktop or IoT-Core device.

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Win 10 IoT-Core: Bluetooth Universal Windows Serial App–Update 1.2

This blog presents a Universal Windows App that connects to an embedded Bluetooth device over the Bluetooth Serial Profile using a genetic Bluetooth USB dongle. This app will run on both a Windows 10 IoT-Core devices such as a Raspberry PI2 and a Windows 10 Desktop. The blog covers in detail the key issues with pairing including where a passkey is required with a RPI2 as well as a Bluetooth primer. Update 1.2: One bug fix (was writing send text twice) and and one code improvement (menu returns DeviceInformation so no need to requery for it.)

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Win 10 IoT Core Universal Windows App: Azure Sensors: New Project on Codeplex [Update-1]

Publ2shed on Codeplex and GitHub. More details later:
Win10 IoT Core Universal Windows App runs on a Raspberry PI 2 (& desktop) that reads some sensors (on an Arduino board) saves to and from Azure Mobile Service

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Win 10 IoT Core: Raspberry Pi 2 Peripherals - Introduction

Whilst the Raspberry Pi 2 has extensibility through GPIO, I2C, SPI and Single wire, the main interface for adding off-the-shelf  peripherals is via USB. Unlike the desktop, there is though only a limited set of USB peripherals that can be used on the RPI2 running Windows 10 IoT in the first release. This series of articles looks at what is available and what the overarching issues are. The first Article is “Connected Devices”

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