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From the category archives: David Jones

Internet of Things

New Blog Site

Whilst I'm not exiting from here, I've created a new blog site from the ground up to have all of the features I want.

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(Part 3/3) Refactoring a Multipage Xamarin.Forms app: Reflection listing of classes in a namespace

Q. How do you get a list of classes under a namespace without instantiating those classes: Reflection

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(Part 2/3) Refactoring a Multipage Xamarin.Forms app: MetaInformation

Q. How can you add meta-information, such as a description, to a class and return it without instantiating the class? Read on …

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(Part 1/3) Refactoring a Multipage Xamarin.Forms app: XAML Namespace Mapping

Q. What do those xmlns namespace directives at the root of an XAML page mean? Read on …

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Build Mantra: Any Developer. Any App. Any Platform

SurfPad: UWP Bluetooth to Bluetooth Connectivity Solved

The SurfPad project as on GitHub and is a UWP app that runs on a touchscreen Windows device. It runs as the configurable UI for an app running on an embedded device such as an Arduiino device or a Raspberry Pi (running IoT Core).. The frontend sends single characters as commands (representing button presses) whereas the backend returns responses as text strings, representing sensor data that the remote device has determined. So the communication data is textual. The communication between the two devices can be a network sockets client-server conduit, USB Serial or Bluetooth Serial. Whilst Bluetooth Serial works OK between a Windows 10 desktop (or IoT Core) as the frontend and an Arduino device as the remote backend, using an IoT Core device as the backend has been shown to be problematic. This article presents an alternative based upon Bluetooth RFComm Chat client –server architecture, which does work.

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SurfPad: Index


How about reimagining an old Surface etc, to be used as the UI for a remote app running on an Arduino or RPi. UI runs as a touch based UWP app and communicates …

Index of articles ..

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Windows 10 IoTCoreDashboard: A Slight change (Incl. Update on Remote Client)

If you are used to right clicking on a Device in My Devices to get a menu of options for connecting to your device, then this functionality has been moved to the Actions column in the current version of IoTCoreDashboard.

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CleanupVS Privacy Policy

This is for Microsoft Store

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SurfPad: Misc.

Some musings about connecting the remote device to the UI-UWP app.

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