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Windows 10 Creators Edition

Win 10 IoT-Core - Raspberry Pi3 Bluetooth Driver Issue: Workaround

As I discussed in a previous blog article, the Raspberry PI3 Bluetooth driver for Windows 10-IoT-Core becomes errant and misses updates when the update rate is high. This is a known issue with the RPI. This problem does not exist other Windows 10 systems including the Dragonboard running IOT-Core. This article again discusses the problem and presents a workaround that does work. Includes how to disable/enable a driver using devcon.

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Build 2017 Sydney

The last leg, of 8, of the world Build tour was held in Sydney this week. What can I say .. it was great. A lot of new and coming Creators features were covered, Insight into the latest Windows technologies was dished out. Here are some of the highlights and summary links.

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Bluetooth Low Energy on Windows 10 Creators Edition and a RPi3 issue.

Several months ago I published a UWP app on GitHub that interacted with a Texas Instruments CC2650STK  SensorTag using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API.  It was based upon a previous Microsoft sample UWP app for interacting with an earlier TI SensorTag. Whilst the new app ran well on the Windows 10  Desktop and Windows 10 Phone, it was found to be erratic on the Raspberry Pi3 running Windows 10 IoT-Core.. working well some times but errant other times. Windows 10 Creators Edition added a key feature to BLE, namely the ability to connect to a device that is advertising without being paired. This blog examines the erratic nature of the RPi3 with BLE and investigates whether this is solved with the Creators Edition. In so do a comparison is made between between BLE Paired and Unpaired connectivity in the UWP app development context..

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