A new Compact 2013 release is available on MSDN that will bring your build environment up to date as per February 2015.


It seems that this is only available to MSDN subscriptions.

From the Release Notes:

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 - Wave 1

  • This file lists all monthly updates for Windows Embedded Compact 2013 up to the current month. The most recent updates are shown first.
  • If previously released updates are not installed on the development system, all missing updates will be installed.
Wave 1 (February 2015)
  • Windows Embedded Compact 2013 Wave 1 update is aimed to provide the customers an enhanced version of WEC2013 code base. It installs the fixes for all the below reported bugs.


  • Due to the large size of the updates, Wave 1 is released as cumulative product update. It will install all the updates that have been released since Compact 2013 was released publicly.
  • For our customers with a previous version of Compact 2013  installed, the Wave 1 release will update your installation by removing existing content and installing the new content.
  • Depending on your download speeds, the full acquisition of Wave 1 and installation may take several hours.
  • Just like previous updates, the Wave 1 update can rollback to a previous update. This will take more time than usual as the previously release installation packages will need to be reacquired.


  • For some unknown reason, the iMX6Q SABRE Lite BSP does not get installed with the Wave 1 update.The folder %WINCEROOT%\PLATFORM\ iMX6Q_SABRE_Lite is essentially empty.
  • The Release Notes appear to be customized for a live download installation rather than from DVD. In particular, the Shared Source MSI is on the DVD, and I assume its run as part of the wave installation.