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SurfPad: Json Configuration

Turn your old Surface into into a large touchpad. As part 2, specify the buttons and app config via a Json Configuration file. This reworks a previous GitHub project.

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Win 10 IoT Core Universal Windows App: Azure Sensors: New Project on Codeplex [Update-1]

Publ2shed on Codeplex and GitHub. More details later:
Win10 IoT Core Universal Windows App runs on a Raspberry PI 2 (& desktop) that reads some sensors (on an Arduino board) saves to and from Azure Mobile Service

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Win 10 IoT Core: SysInfo Commands.JSON file

This post shows (version 4.0) the JSON file that is loaded as start up and parsed to form a list of commands that is displayed in the left pane of the app’s UI

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Win 10 IoT Core: SysInfo: A Windows Universal App to get system info (as per the web portal) Updated

A Universal Windows App that mimics the web portal to a Windows 10 IoT Core device. Makes use of the web portal through REST and uses JSON to process the response for display. Can get ipconfig, processes, installed app, default app, OS info etc… All in an app.

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Win 10–Universal (UWP) App: Using JSON from a file to populate a menu

In my previous blog Windows 10 (including IoT) USB HID device identification was covered in detail. This included an app that takes the relevant IDs for an HID device and checks whether it is present on the system. Two of the IDs could be looked up via a menu as they come an HID Usage table. The menu data was loaded from a JSON (text) file and translated using Linq to a list that is the Xaml data source binding for the menu. This blog demonstrates the mechanism for loading JSON data from a text file into an Xaml ComboBox.

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CEJSON – 5: IoT The JSON Parser

A detailed description of the CEJSON JSON Parser.

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CEJSON – 4: IoT Version 1 Azure Mobile Service Tables

Version 1 AzMS Tables use an auto-incremented integer field as the primary key which is more compact than the GUID string used in version 2 AzMS tables.. The Azure Portal generates Version 2 tables which can be inefficient for resource limited embedded devices. This blog covers how to generate version 1 AzMS tables.

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CEJSON-3: IoT and Azure Mobile Service Scripts

When an HTML POST/GET/PATCH/DELETE message is posted to an Azure Mobile Service Table, the message can be intercepted and modified. Also the response can also be intercepted and modified. This blog outlines how to do this.

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JSONParser Example: JSONParser DELETE 24

The Command

C:\GIT\CEJSON\JSONParser.Desktop\Debug>JSONParser DELETE 24

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JSONParser Example: PATCH 39 Value 55

The Command

C:\JSONParser.Compact2013>JSONParser PATCH 39 Value 55

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