This is the final part of the trilogy. I have a brief look at UWP app development on the VM, running the Bash shell which provides a command shell for running Linux commands on the  and the Windows Bridge for IOS which facilities running Objective-C apps as UWP apps on the VM.


Part 1: Info

Part 2: Getting Started


I modified the image to use 4 cores and have dynamic memory up to 8K.

I was finding file access painfully slow.


UWP Samples

  • UWP Samples are at c:\Samples
  • No GitHub so downloaded and installed that (Windows GUI)
  • Ran Visual Studio and logged into that with my Windows credentials.
  • Loaded the FileSearch-C# project and ran it.
  • Found it took a long time to get started.
  • I reran the project after changing search location to Pictures, having added some BMPs there.
  • StorageFolder musicFolder = await KnownFolders.GetFolderForUserAsync(null /* current user */, KnownFolderId.PicturesLibrary);//.MusicLibrary);
  • The search worked.
  • I then shutdown the VM and moved its VHD to another non system disk drive on the host. Things appeared to work quicker. I could try the system disk as its an SSD??
  • I loaded and ran the XAML UI Basics project. That built and ran OK.
  • The apps were run on the desktop. There is no Windows 10 Phone SDKs installed but it might be possible to use them if installed on teh host, as a Remote device.



Windows Blog: Run Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

  • Doing a search for Bash on the OS (Cortana) yields an option to download it from the Store and install it:
This will install Ubuntu on Windows, distributed by Canonical
and licensed under its terms available here:
Type "y" to continue: y
Downloading from the Windows Store... 1%

I found the first few times I tried this it only got to 9% and hung.

I tried it the next day and it downloaded and installed.

It requested a username and password.


There was a icon for Bash on the desktop of the VM’s OS which gave a username and password. Not sure what this was for.

Also, the VM description said it was already part of the OS???


Note on Windows 10 Anniversary edition or later you install Bash on Ubuntu for Windows as “Windows Subsystem for Linux(Beta)” as a “Turn Wndows Features on or off” as an option of Programs and Features:.

  • Right click on Start Menu and take the Programs and Features option at the top.
  • Select Turn Windows Features on or off.
  • Then select Windows Subsystem for Linux(Beta)
  • image

Having installed I was able to run a variety of Unix commands from the Bash command prompt.. Note that this shell is not a Linux GUI.


Windows Bridge for IOS

  • The Windows Bridge for iOS (also referred to as WinObjC) is a Microsoft open-source project that provides an Objective-C development environment for Visual Studio and support for iOS APIs. The bridge allows you to create Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps that will run on many Windows devices using iOS APIs and Objective-C code alongside Windows 10 features like Cortana and Live Tiles.
  • The samples are accessed via the  Desktop\WinObjC icon
  • You open a project's .sln file, to open it in Visual Studio. You can then build and run the Objective-C app on the Windows 10 desktop.
  • To run on desktop select Win32