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Twitter: @CEDriverWiz

Interconnect issue over Bluetooth Serial

Issue: Can pair a Windows 10 device with an Arduino device and communicate over RFCOMM. But although can pair two Windows 10 devices over Bluetooth Serial, I can’t serially transmit between them: No serial port for OutGoing end.

Windows 10 IoTCoreDashboard: A Slight change (Incl. Update on Remote Client)

If you are used to right clicking on a Device in My Devices to get a menu of options for connecting to your device, then this functionality has been moved to the Actions column in the current version of IoTCoreDashboard.

SurfPad: RPI as the SurfPad (Bluetooth Connectivity)

This article covers using a Raspberry Pi running a RS4 version of IoT Core as the SurfPad, withe an Arduino devices as the Remote app. Connectivity for this is via Bluetooth..

Notes on RPI Windows 10 IoT-Core WiFi & BT Connectivity

Windows 10 IoTCore, as implemented on the Raspberry Pi 2 (RPI2)  initially came with no WiFi or Bluetooth (BT) connectivity. These were then added as USB dongles but with a limited listed of hardware that worked. RPI3 has built in WiFi and BT. What is the state of play with IoTCore connectivity with the RPI now? Are there any issues?

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SurfPad: Misc.

Some musings about connecting the remote device to the UI-UWP app.

SurfPad: SurfPad States

As part of a series of articles on a set of projects targeted at using a Windows Surface device as the presentation layer for a RPI or Arduino device, this article views the apps as state machines and documents the app states coupling through message passing between them.

SurfPad: TCPIP Socket Connectivity

In the previous articles in this series, a UWP app was developed as an array of XAML buttons that acts as the UI for an app running on a remote embedded or IoT device. Once connected the remote app sends a configuration for the UI as a Json string. Connectivity between the UWP and remote apps over Bluetooth and USB Serial has been covered. In this article connectivity over network sockets is covered. The article includes 101 on TCPIP Network Sockets for UWP and Arduino.

SurfPad: USB Serial Connectivity

This article reworks the previous few articles that use BT Serial and the connectivity  so that USB virtual serial is used for communication. It covers in detail USB Serial connectivity between a UWP app and an Arduino devices as well as with a Windows 10 IoT-Core device (eg RPI).

SurfPad: Bluetooth Connectivity-4/4 Win 10 IoT-Core Remote App

The second article in this series covered development of a BT enabled Arduino Sketch that send its required UI to the UWP app as two json text strings. Also when the app is configured, the UWP app can send the UI key presses as encoded characters. This article covers how to implement same as a Windows 10 IoT-Core app that can run on a RPI.

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