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Posts Tagged ' VS2015'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with ' VS2015'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Win 10 IoT Core: Universal app - Porting a VS 2015 RC Universal CS app project to RTM-The changed files

The following is an identification of the changed project files for an RC version of a Universal App with the RTM version of the project.

Win 10-IoT: Universal app - Porting a VS 2015 RC Universal CS app project file to RTM

The following is the comparison of the project files contents (.csproj) for a RC version of a Universal App with the RTM version of the project

Windows 10 RTM VS 2015 RTM and UWP (Universal) Apps–”Are we there yet!”

Windows 10 RTM and Visual Studio 2015 RTM are up and running including UWP(Universal) apps. I’m happy now.  There is though a problem with UWP(Universal) app RC projects. Also, Windows Remote Arduino is simple to update.

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