This now includes the batch files for this blog.

Previous: Ardjson–Part 3 Command line Json: cURL.exe

As a follow up to the previous blog, the following lists some CRUD database commands using cURL.exe to manipulate a Windows Azure Mobile Service.

Note that each command is one line, although it might be display here on multiple lines.

The env.bat file used by all batch files:

@echo off
@echo *
@echo * Setting Azure Mobile Service URL and AppKey
@echo * Edit in env.bat
set AzureMobileServiceURL=http://<Get this from Azure Portal>
set AppKey=<Get this from Azure Portal>
@echo *
@echo * Azure Mobile Service URL = %AzureMobileServiceURL%
@echo * App Key = %AppKey%
@echo *

[1.1] GET (Select/Read) all records in a table

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%"

[1.2] GET Sort

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$orderby=value"

Should able to get sort direction into this using ASC and DESC; ASC is the default. ???

[2] POST (Insert/Create) a new record

curl -v -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% -d "{\"sensor\":\"temperature\",\"date\":\"29-01-2015\",\"value\": 131}" %AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/

[3.1] GET Filtered on a numeric value: EQ

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$filter=(value%%20eq%%20131)"

[3.2] GET Filtered on a numeric value: GT

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$filter=(value%%20gt%%2060)"

[3.3] GET Filtered on a string value: startswith

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$filter=(startswith(sensor,'Temperature'))"

[3.4] GET Filtered on a boolean value

curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$filter=(complete+eq+false)"



A reminder that with Patch and Delete, you can't use filters. You must use the record id field.

[4.1] PATCH: Update a record

curl -v  -X PATCH -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  -d "{\"completed\": true}" %AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%/%RecordGUID%

[4.2] PATCH: Another update

curl -v  -X PATCH -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey%  -d "{\"sensor\":\"salinity\",\"complete\":\"true\",\"value\": 200}" %AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%RecordGUID%

DELETE a record

curl -v -X DELETE -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:NtcMLPQtuAqWtvXOwrZVQtqHevNUnN27  %AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%/%RecordGUID%


Next: Arduino and JSon