Following on from Part 3b in this series, a few query options are exemplified.
Ardjson: This will include the batch files for this blog as well
Previous: Ardjson-Part 3b: cURL CRUD Examples
Correction: There was an error in the MiniJson program. It counted one too many records. this will be fixed.
NOTE: The Microsoft Azure Mobile Services API is documented at: Azure Mobile Services REST API Reference
HTTP verbs that are accepted by Microsoft Azure Mobile Services are GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE.
All of the examples that follow are implemented in batch files for the ToDoItems Mobile Service table and involve HTTP GET. Only the curl line is shown, from which an HTTP GET call via other APIs can be gleaned. The batch files (named in blue below) are in the file 1.2.1 Curl, JSON and on the Downloads tab of the Ardjson site on Codeplex. A typical complete batch file is:
cls @echo off @echo * @echo * Microsoft Azure Mobile Service (ToDo) Exerciser call env.bat @echo * Setting Mobil eService Table set MSTable=toDoItem @echo ON @echo * @echo * Table = %MSTable% @echo * @echo * @echo * [0] GET (Select/Read) all reords in table @echo * > GET /tables/%MSTable% @echo * curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%"
env.bat is covered in blog Part-3b..
Many of the batch files actually include some formatting of the JSon string, placing one record per line, using MiniJson.exe
Getting a specified number of records can be implemented using $top=<n>. Also $skip=<n> can be used to skip a certain number of records. These two combined together can implement paging.
I have found that I can’t get skip to work. <Watch this space for an update or if you can solve it please leave a comment, thx>
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$top=10"
$top Batch file toDoGetAllTop10.bat
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$orderby=id&$skip=4"
$skip Batch file toDoGetAllSkip4.bat
$orderby is used to specify the column to sort by. It defaults to ascending. There are asc (ascending) and desc (descending) options.
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$orderby=id"
$orderby Batch file toDoGetAllOrderbyId.bat
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$orderby=id+asc"
asc Batch file toDoGetAllOrderbyIdAsc.bat
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$orderby=id+desc"
desc Batch file toDoGetAllOrderbyIdDesc.bat
This involves $select followed by a comma separate list of columns:
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$select=text,complete"
$select to show only the text and complete fields. Batch file toDoGetAllSelectCols.bat
Each record submitted has some hidden fields that are not by default returned with an HTTP GET. Counting records
Whilst the MiniJson app can count records in a Json string, simply by counting the number of closing braces in the string, $inlinecount can be used to generate a count at the returned JSon string. It requires the allpages setting.
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$inlinecount=allpages"
$inlinecount Batch file toDoGetAllSystemProperties.bat
__systemproperties can be set to a comma delimited list of the system properties to be included in the response. System properties from the following list are accepted:
$inlinecount Batch file toDoGetCount.bat
Note it returns the records with the count at the end. MiniJson has been extend to extract the count from a $inlinecount query:
curl -v -X GET -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-ZUMO-APPLICATION:%AppKey% "%AzureMobileServiceURL%/tables/%MSTable%?$inlinecount=allpages" > json.txt MiniJson json.txt count
Batch file toDoGetCount.bat
The first parameter of MiniJson is the always the Json string stored as a file. If there is a second parameter count, it extracts the count on its own, from the string, rather than the heuristic approach of counting closing braces.