Not to be confused with updating from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 .. Do a Bing on Windows 8.1 Update and you'll see what I mean!
Now available on MSDN, dated 3rd April 2014. It comes in three downloads.
With the third one it’s not immediately obvious from its name that it’s the one to use for x64 but that is the one I used.
The first update is quite slow (the progress bar doesn’t seem to move until late):
It comes as zip with 6 updates.
Recommended Install Order
The first was already installed on both of my system. Painfully I had to do a restart after each feature update.
It might be simpler to wait to get it via Windows Update. There is also a suggestion to get it via Windows Store.
My x64 and RT (Surface 2) installs worked OK, but the changes are almost nonexistent for the Surface….There is a search button top right.
The changes are quite subtle and mainly for keyboard-mouse Window users.
I took this summary from:
GIZDMO (Click here)