Well it looks like Google is getting into the IoT business also. Microsoft has its IoT core platform that is basically a slimmed down version of its desktop Windows 10 offering targeted to the embedded Internet of Things market. Visual Studio 2015/2017 supports development for Windows desktop as well as IoT core using its universal platform strategy. Also included in VS is support for mobile phone development using Xamarin, which Microsoft acquired awhile back. Visual Studio through Xamarin has the ability write and debug IoS and Android mobile running on tablets and phones. Now that Google is in the IoT game also it will be interesting to see how their strategy pans out. Google, as expected, is leveraging all the Androids frameworks and middleware that makes sense for the IoT market. It is also extending libraries adding I2C, GPIO and UART interfaces to support user supplied hardware. As a simple test I built and tried to deploy a simple "hello world" Android mobile app, built with Visual Studio 2017, to my Raspberry PI 3 device running GoogleThings.. To my surprise it worked just fine! We will see if a Nuget package is fourth coming supporting the new IO framework calls.  Stay tuned...