Compact 2013 Ebook

25.6 Ex1. CoreCon
Created by djones on 6/25/2013 1:31:17 AM

Example 1: CoreCon Content Subproject

1. Run CEComponentWiz and create a new project.

2. Menu,Generate Component—>Component Details—>
Call it CoreCon.
Add a Description, Comment and Vendor name

3. Get content:
Menu, Get Content—>Modules and browse to the follow directory and select all 6 files:

If x86 target:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Embedded Tools\CoreCon\11.0\Target\wce800\x86

If ARM target:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Embedded Tools\CoreCon\11.0\Target\wce800\ARM

  • For a 32Bit development system replace C:\Program Files (x86)\ with C:\Program Files\

4. Make sure all files are under the MODULES section

5. Set the OS Version to 8.00

6. Save the project: Menu, File—>Save Project

8. Generate the subproject:
Generate Component Menu, Project—>Generate Development Project

9. Generate the Third Party Version:
Menu, Generate Component Project—>Publish Component to 3rd Party (and Catalog File)

10. Close the wizard

11. Refresh the Catalog and add the project from under the Third Party branch in the Catalog.

13. Build the subproject and OS:
Just Build all Subprojects with Target Build setting to run MakeImage afterwards.

14. Run the OS and check that you can run CoreCon and debug and SDK application

NEXT:  24.7 CAB File Generation


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