Finally my Azure SB Lite library is online on Nuget but ... it was a long story :-) The last month, I decided to put this library on Nuget for all people that don't like to compile source code from CodePlex and want to use it immediately. When I tried to upload the package, I received the "package id alredy used" error ! What ? Why ? Who ? Is there another library with same name ? After few minutes I found that Sebastian Brandes (Microsoft Evangelist from Denmark) already uploaded it on Nuget in June (of course, he set me as "author") and it was downloaded by 45 people. I contacted him who explained me that the library was useful to his project (thanks!) and that the right place for all other people was on Nuget (for much friendly usage). Right ! However, we decided that I should be the owner of the package so after about one month (Sebastian was on vacation) and Nuget support ... today I re-uploaded the library ! I have to thank Sebastian for all his eff ...

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