Last month I developed a lot and I had the pleasure of being speaker to three national events and an international one in California (but from remote).

I was greatly involved to write code and content that I decided to summarize hoping that you could enjoy them.



With the slides I tried to describe the most important features of the Azure Service Bus focusing on the Event Hubs and its use within the telemetry pattern in IoT :

These slides have related demos where I used my last Azure SB Lite library, thanks to which you can access to the Microsoft Azure Service Bus using the same API of the "original" SDK but on embedded platforms such as .Net Micro Framework and .Net Compact Framework as well as Mono (on Linux) and WinRT (then Windows 8.1 and Windows 10). It is based on the AMQP .Net Lite library which hides the concepts on the AMQP protocol.


Regarding the demos :

  • BLE2Azure : IoT gateway concept from BLE devices to Microsoft Azure (Event Hubs) built with the .Net Micro Framework and the FEZ Spider and Netduino 3 Wi-Fi boards
  • Azure SB Lite Examples : examples of usage of the Azure SB Lite library that allowed me (in Venice) to explain how the access to the Service Bus works through the AMQP protocol and discover what lies beneath the simple APIs.

Obviously I do not stop here despite the deserved rest !
