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With no version of SQL Server and SQL Compact available for Windows 10 IoT and Windows 10 Phone, the suggested alternative is SQLite. Whilst early evaluations indicate it isn’t available for Win10 IoT Background and Console apps, it’s not too hard to use SQLite with a Windows 10 UWP (Universal) app. The app can be rebuilt without modification and using the exact same project content for the desktop, phone and IoT Windows 10 targets.
The project has been updated to include a LED dimmer as a PWM example.
The project source on Codeplex has been updated for this.
A Windows 8.1 Universal app can be built upon the Remote-Wiring library such that the app can interact with an Arduino device running Firmata. An app similar to the Windows Remote Arduino “Blinky” example, but with feature additions, is developed. It performs GPIO (output AND input) as well as some analog IO. The app runs on a Win 8.1 desktop, phone and RT Surface. The UI has some extra XAML “bells and whistles”.
This blog is a Tutorial on how to implement Win 10 IoT Universal Apps that make use of Raspberry PI 2 (RPI2) General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins. This covers:
The interrupt (event driven) version addresses the InvokeRequired pattern in the XAML context. (Controls can't be updated directly from another thread).
The complete solutions are available (in source) on Codeplex at: "Windows 10 IoT Samples": https://IoTSampler.Codeplex.com
I was an early adopter of Win 10 IoT with Raspberry PI 2 (RPI2) as well as Windows Remote Arduino. Whilst I was able to use my Windows 8.1 phone to control an Arduino device as per the latter technology, I did have some problems with some fine detail with the RPI2 technology. I have now had a second stab at Win 10 IoT with RPI2 with success. This blog discusses these issues.
Various scenarios were presented for Windows 10 IoT at Build 2015. In all cases, the object is to have a Windows 10 device, whether desktop, mobile or embedded/IoT, talking to custom hardware and to the cloud. The “reference” design for hardware from a Makers’ perspective is Arduino. Let’s examine the scenarios.
Windows 10 IoT is the third (lower) layer of Windows 10. All three are built from the same codebase, part of Microsoft’s one Windows mantra. Whilst the desktop will have significantly more features than the IOT layer, the IoT layer will embedded features such as General Purpose IO (GPIO) which the desktop doesn’t. The Phone layer will support cellular networks for phone calls whereas the other two only support this for internet access. Apart from the common code, a binding feature of all three is Universal Apps.