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Ardjson-Part 7: Arduino JSon Stream Parse (Sketch V1.3.1c)

This blog presents a more complete JSon parser in the Arduino context  that extracts the data entities from each record. in the JSon string. It is implemented as a Stream Parser - State Machine.

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Ardjson-Part 6: Arduino Telemetry Sensor (Sketches V1.3b)

The three TelemetrySensor Arduino apps that mimic the desktop/phone Universal app UI functions are created by copying and appropriately editing the ToDoItem Arduino apps.

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Ardjon-Part 5: A Simple JSon Parser (Sketches V1.3a)

This blog presents a simple JSon parser in the Arduino context for the ToDo sketch  that extracts the data entities from each record. in the JSon string.

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Ardjson–Part 4 ToDoItems App on Arduino

The Universal ToDoItems Microsoft Azure Mobile Services sample app runs on Desktop Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows RT. In Parts 3 of this blog, it was demonstrated as to how to action these functions via a command line, using cURL.exe. In this blog we will action those same actions from an Arduino device.

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Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi!

Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced a partnership with Microsoft who will offer Windows 10 for Rasberry Pi: Blog entry

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