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Twitter: @CEDriverWiz

Windows Universal Store apps from Android, IOS, Win32 code and package web apps for The Store

Convert Android, IOS and Win 32 code for apps into Universal Windows Store apps. You can also take a hosted web app and package it up and deliver it via The Store.

(Updated) Windows 10 - Phone: VS 2015 RTM can't deploy to current build of phone

I've blogged about an issue that has arisen with respect to the fact that the phone has not RTM yet and is stuck on build 10160 whereas the desktop Win 10 has RTMed and is build 10240; as is the Windows SDK. This problem is now solved.
Visual Studio 2015 has RTMed also. Win 10 RTM with VS 2015 RTM can't deploy to the current build of the phone (10160).

Win 10 IoT Core: Universal app - Porting a VS 2015 RC Universal CS app project to RTM-The changed files

The following is an identification of the changed project files for an RC version of a Universal App with the RTM version of the project.

Win 10-IoT: Universal app - Porting a VS 2015 RC Universal CS app project file to RTM

The following is the comparison of the project files contents (.csproj) for a RC version of a Universal App with the RTM version of the project

Windows 10 RTM VS 2015 RTM and UWP (Universal) Apps–”Are we there yet!”

Windows 10 RTM and Visual Studio 2015 RTM are up and running including UWP(Universal) apps. I’m happy now.  There is though a problem with UWP(Universal) app RC projects. Also, Windows Remote Arduino is simple to update.

Windows 10 now available on MSDN

Windows 10 now on MSDN ...

Win 10 IoT- Universal App – SQLite Database: Part 4 “Using the Visual State Manager”

The Visual State Manager can be configured to change the properties of UI controls when aspects of the UI are triggered. This blog completes the SQLite UA app by resizing the command buttons when the app runs on a small screen such as a Windows 10 phone.

Win 10 IoT: Universal App – SQLite Database: Part 3 “UA Functional Code”

The previous blog created the UA project, inserted the required SQLite bits and set up the XAML user interface. This part covers the functional code.

Win 10 IoT: Universal App – SQLite Database: Part 2 “A Universal App”

A truly Universal App will run on all Windows 10 targets, with only a targeted CPU change and rebuild required. This second part of this blog series sets up a UAP/UWP project to make use of the file base SQLite database engine.  This part creates the project, gathers the required bits and sets up the user interface. Parts three covers the functional code.

MySQLiteUWPApp-XAML-Grid Elements

<TextBox Grid.Row="0" x:Name="textBox" Height="9" Margin="10,5,0,5" TextWrapping="NoWrap" Text="sensors.3db" VerticalAlignment="Top" d:LayoutOverrides="LeftPosition, RightPosition"/> <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Text="Append a new record:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" /> <RelativePanel Grid.Row="2"> <Button x:Name="button21" Content="Temperature1 Insert" Height="38" Margin="5,5,0,5" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="button_Click" Width="110" FontSize="13.333"/> <Button RelativePanel.RightOf="button21" x:Name="button22" Content="Temperature2 Insert" Height="38" Margin="10,5,0,5" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="button_Click" Width="110" FontSize="13.333"/> <Button RelativePanel.RightOf="button22" x:Name="button23" Content="Humidity1 Insert" Height="38" Margin="10,5,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="110" Click="button_Click" HorizontalAlignment="Left" FontSize="13.333" /> </RelativePa ...

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